Conference Accomodation
Conference accomodation is in “Dubna” hotel located at the bank of Volga river in the Conference venue — the science-town of Dubna, Moscow Region (120 km from Moscow).
Accomodation rate (twenty-four hours + breakfast):
- single room in block (1+2) — 880 Russian Roubles (about 25 Euro or 35 USD)
- one bed in double-bed room in block (1+2) — 660 Russian roubles (about 20 Euro or 25 USD)
- single room — 1590 Russian roubles (about 45 Euro or 60 USD)
- double-bed two room hotel suite — 2890 Russian roubles (about 80 Euro or 110 USD)
- double-bed two room hotel suite (Eurostyle) — 3600 Russian roubles (about 100 Euro or 140 USD)
- double-bed three room hotel suite (Eurostyle) — 4330 Russian roubles (about 125 Euro or 170 USD)
Accomodation should be paid by cash.
Should you have any questions feel free to contact hotel administration by phone +7 (496) 21 62125. |