

Total 43:

    Plenary lectures

  1. Avramov Latchezar Asparuhov (Sofia, Institute of electronics) Optical Biopsy of hard dental tissues (Avramov L.A., Borisova E.G., Uzunov T.T.)
  2. Bogdanov Alexei (Worcester, University of Massachusetts Medical School) Molecular imaging in vivo using signal amplification strategies (Bogdanov Alexey)
  3. Bregestovski Piotr (Marseille, Mediterranean Institute of Neurobiology) Monitoring of Chloride and Chloride-selective ion channels activity using genetically encoded fluorescent sensors (Bregestovski P.)
  4. Gussakovsky Eugene (Winnipeg, Institute for Biodiagnostics, National Research Council Canada) Fluorescence, Diffuse Reflectance and NIR Imaging in Cardiovascular Research and Diagnostics (Gussakovsky E., Kupriyanov V., Sowa M.)
  5. Kupriyanov Valery V. (Winnipeg, Institute for Biodiagnostics, National Research Council, Canada) Near-infrared spectroscopic imaging of cardiac disease (Kupriyanov VV)
  6. Mosekilde Erik (Kgs. Lyngby, Technical University of Denmark) Nonlinear Dynamic Phenomena in Physiological Control Systems (Mosekilde E.)
  7. Smirnov Alexej I (RALEIGH, Department of Chemistry North Carolina State University) Nanopore-supported Flow-through Lipid Nanotube Arrays for Structure-function Studies of Membrane Proteins in Native Bilayer Environment (Smirnov, Alex I.)
  8. Sommer Sylwester (Darmstadt, Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung mbH Darmstadt) New insights into cytogenetics from simultaneous painting of all pairs of chromosomes (Sommer Sylwester, Ritter Sylvia)
  9. Stepanyan Karapet Haikovich (Erevan, Tzentr travmatologii. ortopedii, ozhogov i radiologii Sektor radiatzionnoj meditziny i ozhogov Centre of traumatology, orthopedics, burns and radiology Sector of radiation medicine and burns) Development of new biopolymer compositions providing high effectiveness ( Stepanyan K.H., Harutyunyan G.E.)
  10. Archakov Aleksandr Ivanovich (Moskva, NAUChNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKIJ INSTITUT BIOMEDITzINSKOJ KhIMII RAMN, Gosudarstvennoe Uchrezhdenie Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Biomeditzinskoj Khimii im. V.N. Orekhovicha) Analytical Nanotechnologies in Proteomics (Archakov A.I.)
  11. Svet Viktor D. (Moskva, Akusticheskij institut im. N.N. Andreeva) Vision and acoustical imaging in non-uniform media (Svet V.D.)
  12. Flyvbjerg Henrik (Roskilde, Danish National Laboratory RISOE, Technical University of Denmark) Accuracy of Localization Methods for Individual Fluorescent Probes (Mortensen Kim I, Churchman L Stirling, Spudich James A, Flyvbjerg Henrik)
  13. Georgieva Radostina Teneva (Sofia, National Center of Radiobiology and Radiation Protection) Molecular-biological survey at occupational exposure (Georgieva, R.Т.)
  14. Guzman Gutierrez Camilo Andres (Lausanne, Laboratoire de Nanostructures et Nouveaux Materiaux Electroniques IPMC-EPFL) Viscosity Measurements and Hydrodynamic Memory Effects Studied by Optical Trapping Interferometry (Guzmán C., Jeney S., Lukic B., Forró L.)
  15. Khalilov Rovshan Ibrahimkhalil (Baku, Bakinskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet, kafedra biofiziki i molekuljarnoj biologii) Studying of Influence UVB Radiation on Plants by Methods of EPR-Radiospectroscopy and Mathematical Model (Khalilov R.I., Nаsibova А.N.)
  16. Alekseeva Ol'ga Mikhajlovna (Moskva, IBKhF RAN, Institut biokhimicheskoj fiziki) The fluorescent probes application for text of calcium gradient influence on the membranes structure (Vekshina O.M., Kim Yu.A., Fatkullina L.D., Goloshchapov A.N.)
  17. Belenova Aljona Sergeevna (Voronezh, Voronezhskij gosudarstvennyj universitet) Combination of classic biochemical methods and atomic-force microscopy in studying of hydrolytic enzymes structure (Kovaleva T.A., Artuchov V.G., Trophimova O.D., Bagno O.P., Belenova A.S., Holyavka M.G.)
  18. Brazhe Aleksej Rudol'fovich (Moskva, MOSKOVSKIJ GOSUDARSTVENNYJ UNIVERSITET IM. M.V.LOMONOSOVA, Biologicheskij f-t, kaf. biofiziki) Cell dynamics exposed in the light of interference microscopy (Brazhe A.R., Brazhe N.A., Maksimov G.V.)
  19. Brazhe Nadezhda Aleksandrovna (Moskva, MOSKOVSKIJ GOSUDARSTVENNYJ UNIVERSITET IM. M.V.LOMONOSOVA, Biologicheskij f-t, kaf. biofiziki) Mechanisms of nitric oxide influence on the membrane structures of the cell (Brazhe N.A., Maksimov G.V.)
  20. Bryzgalova Nadezhda Jur'evna (Moskva, MGU im M.V.Lomonosova, biologicheskij fakul'tet, kafedra biofiziki) The changes of affinity of haemoglobin to oxygen as regulator of haemoglobin haemoporphyrin conformation and application under the coronary heart disease (Bryzgalova N.Yu.)
  21. Vekshin Nikolaj Lazarevich (Pushchino, Institut biofiziki kletki RAN) Mirror Cuvettes for Fluorescence Spectroscopy (Vekshin N.L.)
  22. Vorontzova Ol'ga Valentinovna (Moskva, Biologicheskij fakul'tet MGU im. M.V.Lomonosova, kafedra bioinzhenerii) Effect of N-terminal Truncation of the Latarcin Ltc2a on Its Cytotoxic Properties and Interaction with Membranes (Vorontsova O.V., Egorova N.S., Arseniev A.S., Feofanov A.V.)
  23. Gribov Lev A. (Moskva, Institut geologicheskoj khimii) Elements of the theory of the time resolution spectra and photo-induced chemical processes (Gribov L.A.)
  24. Gryzunov Jurij Anatol'evich (Moskva, ROSSIJSKIJ GOSUDARSTVENNYJ MEDITzINSKIJ UNIVERSITET, NII FKhM) Analysis of microheterogeneity of human serum albumin using a specific fluorescent probe. Experiments and medical applications. (Gryzunov Yu.A., Dobretsov G.E., Syrejshchikova T.I., Uzbekov M.G., Rodoman G.V.,)
  25. Degtjareva Ol'ga Vasil'evna (Pushchino, Federal'noe gosudarstvennoe bjudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie nauki "Federal'nyj issledovatel'skij tzentr "Pushchinskij nauchnyj tzentr biologicheskikh issledovanij Rossijskoj akademii nauk", Institut Biofiziki Kletki RAN) Light-induced dispersed vibrational IR-emission: a new technique to study molecular states (Terpugov E.L., Degtyareva O.V.)
  26. Denisova Ljudmila Aleksandrovna (Moskva, INSTITUT BIOKhIMIChESKOJ FIZIKI IM. N.M.EMANUELJa RAN, Institut biokhimicheskoj fiziki im.N.M.Emanuelja, RAN) Acoustic microscopy in biology and medicine (Maev R.Gr., Denisova L.A.)
  27. Esipova Natal'ja Georgievna (Moskva, Institut Molekuljarnoj Biologii im. Engel'garta RAN) CD-studies of the Recombinant Proteins Modeling Spider-Web Proteins Spidroin I and Spidroin II (Esipova N.G., Lobachev V.M., Tumanyan V.G., Davidova L.I., Fedoruk K.V., Bogush V.G., Debabov V.G.)
  28. Koltakov Igor' Aleksandrovich (Voronezh) About the using of the vertical spectrophotometry for studying the level of the CD4-expression on T-lymphocytes of human blood. (Koltakov I.A., Artyukhov V.G., Putintseva O.V., Ramires Baka K.E.)
  29. Koltovoj Nikolaj Alekseevich (Moskva, Labmetod) Microscop-spectrophotometer for medicine (Koltovoy N.A.)
  30. Krupenina Natalija Anatol'evna (Moskva, MOSKOVSKIJ GOSUDARSTVENNYJ UNIVERSITET IM. M.V.LOMONOSOVA, Biologicheskij f-t, kaf. biofiziki, Gruppa bioelektrokhimii) Measurement of chlorophyll a fluorescence changes in single plant cells and cell regions in response to electrical stimuli (Krupenina N.A., Bulychev A.A.)
  31. Loktjushkin Aleksej Vladimirovich (Moskva, MOSKOVSKIJ GOSUDARSTVENNYJ UNIVERSITET IM. M.V.LOMONOSOVA, Biologicheskij f-t, kaf. biofiziki) The influence of HgCl2 on the rate of oxygen uptake and release by red blood cells (Loktyushkin A.V., Gus’kova R.A., Fedorov G.E., Ivanov I.I.)
  32. Maksimov Georgij Vladimirovich (Moskva, MOSKOVSKIJ GOSUDARSTVENNYJ UNIVERSITET IM. M.V.LOMONOSOVA, Biologicheskij f-t, kaf. biofiziki) Cellular mechanisms of hypoxia (Maksimov G.V., Akhalaia M.I., Braze N.A., Luneva O.G., Maksimova N.V.)
  33. Nedelina Ol'ga Serafimovna (Moskva, Institut biokhimicheskoj fiziki im.N.M.Emanuelja RAN) Dissociative attachment of low-energy electrons (below ionization or electronic excitation thresholds) in aqueous phosphate solutions (Nedelina O.S., Brzhevskaya O.N., Degtyarev E.N., Zubkov A.S.)
  34. Nikolaev Evgenij N. (Rossija, The institute for biomedical chemistry Russian Academy of Medical Scienses Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics of Russian Academy of Scienses The Institute for energy problems of chemical physics Russian Academy of Scienses ) Application of Kingdon, Penning and Paul ion traps for determination of protein mixture compositions and protein primary structures (Evgenij N.Nikolaev)
  35. Osipov Anatolij Nikolaevich (Moskva, ROSSIJSKIJ GOSUDARSTVENNYJ MEDITzINSKIJ UNIVERSITET, kafedra Meditzinskoj biofiziki) Regulation of cytochrome c peroxidase activity by nitric oxide and laser irradiation (Osipov A.N., Stepanov G.O., Vladimirov Yu.A., Kagan V.E.)
  36. Pikulenko Marina Mailovna (Moskva, Moskovskij gosudarstvennyj universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova,, Nauchno-uchebnyj Muzej zemlevedenija MGU) Analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence and electric events at the thylakoid and plasma membrane of Anthoceros for evaluation of bioenergetics characteristics (Pikulenko M.M., Bulychev A.A.)
  37. Poljanichko Aleksandr (Sankt-Peterburg, Kafedra molekuljarnoj biofiziki, Fizicheskij fakul'tet, Sankt-Peterburgskij gosudarstvennyj universitet) Investigation of Supramolecular Complexes of Biological Molecules Using a Combination of UV/IR Circular Dichroism and FTIR Spectroscopy. (Polyanichko A., Wieser H., Chikhirzhina E.)
  38. Rodionova Natal'ja Nikolaevna (Moskva, MGU im.M.V. Lomonosova, biol. f-t, kaf. biofiziki) The proteins role in regulation of interaction between axon and Shwann cell in the periferal nerve (Rodionova N.N., Brazhe N.A., Maksimov G.V.)
  39. Samsonova Ol'ga Vjacheslavovna (Moskva, Institut bioorganicheskoj khimii im. M.M.Shemjakina i Ju.A.Ovchinnikova RAN) Molecular basis of the latarcin Ltc1 antibacterial activity as studied with optical spectroscopy and microscopy methods (Samsonova O., Feofanov A., Sharonov G., and Arseniev A.)
  40. Skvortzov Aleksej Nikolaevich (Sankt-Peterburg, Institut tzitologii RAN) Dynamic Studies of Biomolecule Platination by UV-Spectroscopy: New Tricks for the Old Dog (Skvortsov A.N.)
  41. Uzlova Svetlana Gennad'evna (Moskva) Detection of Primary Stages of Intravascular Blood Coagulation by Acoustic Methods (Uzlova S.G., Guria K.G., Shevelev А.A., Vasiliev S.А., Guria G.Th)
  42. Feofanov Aleksej Valer'evich (Moskva, INSTITUT BIOORGANIChESKOJ KhIMII IM. M.M.ShEMJaKINA I Ju.A.OVChINIKOVA RAN, Institut bioorganicheskoj khimii im. M.M.Shemjakina i Ju.A.Ovchinnikova RAN) Fluorescence Spectral Imaging (FSI) Technique as a Probe of Photosensitizer Tissue Distribution (Feofanov A.V., Karmakova T.A., Filonenko E.V., Sokolov V.V., Yakubovskaya R.I., Luk’yanets E.A., Kirpichnikov M.P.)
  43. Jusipovich Aleksandr Ivanovich (Moskva, MOSKOVSKIJ GOSUDARSTVENNYJ UNIVERSITET IM. M.V.LOMONOSOVA, Biologicheskij f-t, kaf. biofiziki) Method of Laser Interference Microscopy for investigation of erythrocytes (Yusipovich A.I., Bryzgalova N.Yu., Maksimov G.V.)